Our Story


It began with a dream and an invitation. There were wondrous things afoot. Whispers in the wind and a flood of possibilities…


My original booth, built with love and profanity in equal measure. Bit by bit things have grown like a flower toward the sun, or in my case, like strangleweed never letting go.


As things do they start small. I have always been odd and untroubled by that, building things to give life to the world inside my head. As a small child it was costumes and stuffed creatures, odd and fae. It has only grown as time and skills have come into being.

I believe there is no such things as a wasted skill or knowledge. All things have power in their own time and purpose. My skills learned at my mother’s knee, mending and alteration became a degree in apparel design. My love of clay blossomed into sculpting of horns and headdresses, my joy in working metal moved to leather. I’ve sold things I’ve made most of my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

These days my hands itch to build greater and grander things, taking on projects that I have no idea how to complete simply for the joy and excuse to learn a new skill. I reveal in custom work even if the time devoted to it and the amount I charge never seem to balance. It is the will of my Muse. I am not a human being, I’m a human making and I am content.